Saturday, January 28, 2012

Stereotypes on the MV Explorer

(Co-Written by Colin Hickey Francis Drohan the First)

By no means is this an exhaustive list, but this is a pretty darn good starting point.

1. Boys who wears pastel shorts, button up shirts, and boat shoes:
-This person hasn't exactly figured out that we're not aboard their personal yacht. We are at school, believe it or not. Yes, it may be school on a cruise ship, but it is school nonetheless.

2. People who go to Bar Night:
-These people are more concerned about getting their drink vouchers than doing their homework. They oftentimes are spotted on the seventh deck spending their parents' money on small amounts of alcohol that cost them $3.50 each.

3. Girls whose wardrobes are comprised solely of greek-wear:
-Somehow, these girls have been able to put letters on every single item they own. They are closely associated with the frat boys who only wear pinneys.

4. Girls who are on this trip to tan:
-Oftentimes, these are girls who also are part of the sub-group of girls whose wardrobes are comprised solely of greek-wear. They take part in this ritual in hopes of somehow getting their letters tanned on them as a tramp stamp.

5. People who pump iron during snack time:
-Also known as people who walk around without shirts on. Also, it's snack time…

6. People who still think we went to the Dominican Republic:
-They still pronounce Dominica incorrectly and wonder why nobody was speaking Spanish.

7. People who keep flushing things down the toilet:
-Really, though. When the Executive Dean has to explain on the loudspeaker what a foreign object is, it has gone too far.

8. People who don't understand how malaria meds work and make the line at the doctor's office very unnecessarily long:
-Some people have real medical problems. Your problem is not being able to read instructions on the pill box. Just do what you do best, and swallow it.

9. Girls who couldn't find automatic shut-off hair-straighteners/curling irons:
-Sorry, but nobody's gonna care that your hair will be frizzy in Ghana. Theirs will be, too.

10. Facebook celebs who think they're real celebs on the ship:
-C'mon, we weren't clapping for you in the Union because we liked you. We were clapping for you to sit down and shut up.

11. Lifelong Learners:
-Some are pretty awesome, but some are convinced they're in college again. Example: Woman partaking in the shaking contest in the Union during Family Feud.

12. Hayden Ford:
-I'll admit he's quite punny, but his existence on this boat (pftpft it's a ship) makes this entire experience unbearable.

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