Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sea-Sickness (Part Two)

It strikes again.

As you know, I was just in Manaus, Brazil, a city found at the crossroads between the Rio Amazon and the Rio Negro. As you can imagine, it's pretty smooth sailing along a river, so I thought I was finally accustomed to the movement of the ship. Oh, how wrong I was. Two days ago, we exited the Amazon and was plopped right into the Atlantic Ocean. I may get my science terminology incorrect, but from what I understand, we sailed against an oceanic gyre created by a circular wind current, thus we encountered pretty choppy waters. Of course, this meant many sea-sick passengers who were not really expecting it, and I am included in this cohort.

Two days ago, I felt the sickness coming on, so I skipped class in order to lie down and take a breather. How many times can you give the excuse that you were sea-sick in order to skip class? Might as well take advantage of it. However, yesterday was even worse. I threw up twice after struggling through work and doing very poorly on an exam, and slept for much of the rest of the day. My roommate and I were both bedridden and would periodically make noises at each other throughout the day to signal to each other that we were still alive.

Now onto today. I am much better off than I have been, and many of my peers are making some steady recovery. Let's hope that this is the last time sea-sickness will get to me.

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