Thursday, February 9, 2012

“If it’s Neptune Day, are we going to outer space?”

Bright and early at 7AM yesterday, all the cabin stewards dressed in white toga-like costumes were causing a raucous in the hallways.  This meant only one thing: it was Neptune Day.

Neptune Day is (apparently) a longstanding sea tradition that happens upon crossing into the Southern Hemisphere.  We technically have already crossed the equator twice while traveling to and from Manaus on the Amazon, but that's beside the point.  On the MV Explorer, our initiation from polliwogs to shellbacks consisted of getting neon "fish guts" dumped on us, kissing a fish, and (optionally) shaving your head.  I, for one, was a punk and decided to just get a mohawk, or it has been lovingly been nicknamed, a bro-hawk.

This blog post exists for the sole purpose of being a vehicle for showing off these horrible and embarrassing photos.  Enjoy!  A better blog post will be up very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Paul, you are a riot! I laughed so hard when I saw these photos that it hurt! I cannot wait to meet you.
